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FEATURES / collaborate / Password Protection

Secure Sharing with Password Protection

Share your storyboards and animatics with confidence. Use password protection to ensure your storyboards remain private and allow clients to leave feedback, no sign-up required.

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Confidentiality & Collaboration

Password protection offers a secure way to share your storyboards & animatics, providing peace of mind and maintaining the integrity of your creative vision.

Password-Protected Links

Generate a secure password-protected link for each storyboard or animatic, ensuring your work is shared safely.

Secure Guest Comments

Allow clients to view and comment on your storyboards & animatics directly - no sign-up required.

Custom Subdomain

Share storyboards on a custom URL, increasing trust for clients and re-enforcing your studio brand.

Creativity-Enabling AI Tools

Use AI to enhance–not replace–your creative process. Dramatically increase your storyboarding capacity so you can handle more projects and create your best work.

Secure Storyboard Sharing

Create a free Boords account and get clear communication for creatives & clients. Sign up in seconds, no credit card required.

Try Boords for freeStart your free trial. Cancel in 1 click.

Don't Take Our Word For It...

Join700,091professionals from the world's top video agencies who use Boords.

”Boords makes it easy to keep track of versions, make revisions in an efficient way, and makes the storyboarding process more collaborative. It's the type of tool that makes you wonder how you ever lived without it.
Sofie Edvardsson
Creative Director at Soja

The Shortcut to Effective Storyboards

Boords is the top-rated online storyboarding software that makes planning video projects a joy, not a job.